program toy_collision
use omp_lib
implicit none
integer :: nx, ny, nsteps, ii, i, j, t
integer :: index_val
real(8), allocatable :: ff_temp(:)
real(8) :: start_time, end_time, total_time
! Parameters
nx = 100
ny = 100
nsteps = 10000
ff_temp = 0
start_time = omp_get_wtime()
! Time stepping loop
do t = 1, nsteps
! Triple nested loop over x, y and characteristic directions
!$omp parallel do collapse(2) default(NONE)
!$omp&private(j, i, ii, index_val)
!$omp&shared(ny, nx, ff_temp)
do i = 0, nx-1
do j = 0, ny-1
do ii = 0, 8
! Flatten 3D coordinates to 1D index value -- adjusted formula for LBM coordinates
index_val = ii + 9 * (i + nx * j)
! Make some updates to distribution function
ff_temp(index_val) = ff_temp(index_val) + (i + j)
end_time = omp_get_wtime()
total_time = end_time - start_time
print*, 'Time step: ', t
print*, 'ff_temp at index 1000: ', ff_temp(1000)
print*, 'ff_temp at index 5000: ', ff_temp(5000)
print*, 'ff_temp at index 8000 ', ff_temp(8000)
print*, 'Size of ff_temp: ', size(ff_temp)
print*, 'Total time for solve: ', total_time
end program toy_collision