Of Code


local function CalculateNoise(params)
    -- Unpack parameters with default values
	local gradientStrength = params.gradientStrength or 0
	local worldx = params.worldx
	local worldy = params.worldy
	local worldz = params.worldz or 0
	local seed = params.seed or 0
	local octaves = params.octaves or 4
	local scale = params.scale or 100
	local noiseType = params.noiseType or DEFAULT
	local amplitudeFunction = params.amplitudeFunction or LINEAR
	local persistance = params.persistance or 0.5
	local lacunarity = params.lacunarity or 2

	local amplitude = 1
	local frequency = 1
	local noiseHeight = 0

	local offset = 0.1 -- Small offset

	local noisex = (worldx + offset) / scale
	local noisey = (worldy + offset) / scale
	local noisez = (worldz + offset) / scale + (seed * 1000)
	for i = 1, octaves do
		--[[ Get noise value and derivatives
			Not really analytical derivatives, but just simple slope calculation
			Erosion is faked by reducing the influence of layers based on steepness
		local nx = noisex * frequency
		local ny = noisey * frequency
		local nz = noisez * frequency
		local noise,derivativeX,derivativeY = nil,nil,nil
		local function noiseFunction(x,y,z)
			-- Calls math.noise which returns a value from -1 to 1, we want it from 0 to 1 though
			local val = math.noise(x,y,z)
			val = (val + 1) / 2
			return val
		local h = 1e-4 -- smoll value
		-- Compute noise at (nx, ny, nz)
		noise = noiseFunction(nx,ny,nz)

		-- Compute noise at (nx + h, ny, nz)
		local noise_x1 = noiseFunction(nx + h, ny, nz)
		-- Compute noise at (nx - h, ny, nz)
		local noise_x2 = noiseFunction(nx - h, ny, nz)
		derivativeX = (noise_x1 - noise_x2) / (2 * h)

		-- Compute noise at (nx, ny + h, nz)
		local noise_y1 = noiseFunction(nx, ny + h, nz)
		-- Compute noise at (nx, ny - h, nz)
		local noise_y2 = noiseFunction(nx, ny - h, nz)
		derivativeY = (noise_y1 - noise_y2) / (2 * h)
		local gradMagnitude = math.sqrt(derivativeX * derivativeX + derivativeY * derivativeY)

		local gradientMult = 1
		if amplitudeFunction == LINEAR then
			gradientMult = 1 / (1 + gradientStrength * gradMagnitude)
			gradientMult = math.exp(-gradientStrength * gradMagnitude ^ 2)
		-- Accumulate noise contribution
		noiseHeight = noiseHeight + noise * amplitude

		amplitude = amplitude * persistance * gradientMult
		frequency = frequency * lacunarity

	-- Adjust noise based on the selected noise type
	if noiseType == RIDGED then
		noiseHeight = 1 - math.abs(noiseHeight)
	elseif noiseType == BILLOWED then
		noiseHeight = math.abs(noiseHeight)
	local minHeight = 0 
	noiseHeight = math.max(noiseHeight, minHeight)

	return noiseHeight

local Noise = CalculateNoise

-- Use noise to warp input coordinates
local function Warp(x,y,seed,factor)
	local warpOctaves = 2
	local warpScale = 200
	local noise1 = 	Noise{
		gradientStrength = 0,
		worldx = x,
		worldy = y,
		seed = seed + 1000,
		octaves = warpOctaves,
		scale = warpScale
	local noise2 = 	Noise{
		gradientStrength = 0,
		worldx = x,
		worldy = y,
		seed = seed + 2000,
		octaves = warpOctaves,
		scale = warpScale
	local perturbedX = x + factor * noise1
	local perturbedY = y + factor * noise2
	return perturbedX,perturbedY

local function lerp(a, b, t)
	return a + (b - a) * t

local function ComputeNoise(worldX,worldZ)
	--[[ Quick temporary thing to make a not super hideous map , not finalized ]]
	local seed = 2
	local scale = 2
	local gradientStrength = 1
	local warpFactor = 50
	local octaves = 6

	-- Warped input coordinates, to make some areas more random
	local warpX,warpY = Warp(worldX,worldZ,seed+1,warpFactor)
	--[[ Medium height rolling hills ]]
	local hillsNoise = Noise{
		noiseType = BILLOWED,
		gradientStrength = gradientStrength,
		amplitudeFunction = EXPONENTIAL,
		worldx = warpX,
		worldy = warpY,
		seed = seed + 10,
		octaves = octaves,
		scale = 150 * scale
	} * 0.5
	--[[ Low flatter plains ]]
	local plainsNoise = Noise{
		noiseType = DEFAULT,
		gradientStrength = gradientStrength,
		amplitudeFunction = EXPONENTIAL,
		worldx = warpX,
		worldy = warpY,
		seed = seed + 3,
		octaves = octaves,
		scale = 250 * scale
	} * 0.1
	--[[ Tall ridged mountains ]]
	local mountainNoise = Noise{
		noiseType = RIDGED,
		gradientStrength = 0, -- Don't perform erosion
		amplitudeFunction = EXPONENTIAL,
		worldx = worldX,
		worldy = worldZ,
		seed = seed + 2,
		octaves = octaves,
		scale = 120 * scale
	} ^ 2

	--[[ Low octave noise map to blend the biomes together ]]
	local blendMap = Noise{
		noiseType = DEFAULT,
		gradientStrength = 0, -- Don't perform erosion
		worldx = worldX,
		worldy = worldZ,
		seed = seed + 11,
		octaves = 3,
		scale = 300

	local blend_min = 0.4
	local blend_mid = 0.6
	local blend_max = 1

	local finalValue = 0
	if blendMap < blend_min then
		finalValue = plainsNoise
	elseif blendMap < blend_mid then
		local blendFactor = (blendMap - blend_min) / (blend_mid - blend_min)
		finalValue = lerp(plainsNoise, hillsNoise, blendFactor)
	elseif blendMap < blend_max then
		local blendFactor = (blendMap - blend_mid) / (blend_max - blend_mid)
		finalValue = lerp(hillsNoise, mountainNoise, blendFactor)
	return finalValue

	Erosion stuff worked fine when I just had ComputeNoise return this
	local finalValue = Noise{
		noiseType = DEFAULT,
		amplitudeFunction = EXPONENTIAL,
		gradientStrength = gradientStrength,
		worldx = worldX,
		worldy = worldZ,
		seed = seed,
		octaves = 6,
		scale = 150

return ComputeNoise

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